File Systems

  • Practical concerns for a Hash-based filesystem

    So, as you may know, I am ardently pursuing a new file system architecture that incorporates a few key strategies for organizing files. One of these strategies is using unique ID’s, generated by a hash function, for each file so that they can be requested by an app without relying on a namespace (folder…

  • Dear File System, stop breaking my workflow

    Why does my computer break so much? As I work on more coding projects, I use more tools, which come with limitations, so I have to restructure my folder hierarchies. Sometimes, these necessary changes break things. Today I wanted make a QR code for some links, but did not want to use one of…

  • Transcript of FileSystem Conversation

    Below is a transcript of the conversation I had about FileSystems on the Redox-OS Mattermost chat. amdphreak1:08 AM I am researching a new option for filesystems that uses the Associative model of data (graph database model). This will solve alot of problems with maintaining packages and user files across multiple physical media, different lib…