Computer Science

  • The Best Way to Maintain Windows 11

    Updated Feb 2025 Maintaining a system has always been a pain point, especially on Windows, where getting your OS back up to speed after a fresh reinstall requires manually searching, downloading, installing, and configuring about a hundred apps and individual mods for Windows. As of the past few years, the maintenance story has changed…

  • Practical concerns for a Hash-based filesystem

    So, as you may know, I am ardently pursuing a new file system architecture that incorporates a few key strategies for organizing files. One of these strategies is using unique ID’s, generated by a hash function, for each file so that they can be requested by an app without relying on a namespace (folder…

  • Dear File System, stop breaking my workflow

    Why does my computer break so much? As I work on more coding projects, I use more tools, which come with limitations, so I have to restructure my folder hierarchies. Sometimes, these necessary changes break things. Today I wanted make a QR code for some links, but did not want to use one of…

  • The Case for a Redesign of WordPress Admin panel

    The WordPress Admin interface is undeniably one of the most pivotal entry points into the WordPress ecosystem for millions of users and developers. However, despite its critical importance, it has long suffered from design issues that hinder productivity and usability. Below, I address some of the most pressing concerns and propose potential solutions to…

  • How to Hard Refresh Any Browser on Mobile and PC the RIGHT way

    tl;dr: You have to access the specific site’s cache information by using a button to the left of the URL in your browser. In most browsers, this should be a little lock icon for “security”. Microsoft Edge and Chrome: If you’re here, you know you’re looking at a page that has outdated information and…

  • Install Guide for WinGHCi

    Install Guide for WinGHCi

    Date: July 12, 2020 (2020-07-12) Until this year, the Haskell Platform shipped with the WinGHCi interpreter, a GUI version of the GHCi command line interpreter. It’s little more than a glorified command line in a new window, but it is used in this Skillshare Haskell class, so I really wanted to install it to…

  • Action Layers

    Action Layers

    Use Action Layers to decide what the mouse should do with objects that contain text.

  • File selector

    Select a file by choosing either the default folder or the last-used folder.

  • Symbols in computer science

    Symbols in computer science

    Computer scientists need a system of symbols to simplify and unify the expression of concepts, and thereby reduce the complexity of the development process. Programmers have been stuck using the same symbols as typists for 50 years, because, in the beginning, it was expensive to make a separate keyboard for programming and for typing,…

  • Linux sucks, and there’s nothing you can do about it

    Recently I started working on a startup tech business to implement some of my tech ideas. I got a work-space on campus at University of Memphis and they gave me a desk and computer to work on in a shared work-space area where other entrepreneurs are working. The computer they provided is an iMac,…

  • Transcript of FileSystem Conversation

    Below is a transcript of the conversation I had about FileSystems on the Redox-OS Mattermost chat. amdphreak1:08 AM I am researching a new option for filesystems that uses the Associative model of data (graph database model). This will solve alot of problems with maintaining packages and user files across multiple physical media, different lib…

  • Character Map update

    Vote for an update to the Character Map application on Windows.

  • Set Theory in Programming

    In high school and college math courses, we learn about ways to express groups of items as subsets and supersets. This branch of mathematics is called set theory. The expression, X ∈ A means “Item X exists in set A”, or “X is an element of set A”. The symbol looks like an E,…

  • Haskell and functions

    Haskell and functions

    The following is a pair of commands in Haskell that creates a list of numbers and performs a calculation on that list to generate a new list. This is called a list-comprehension. The first statement can be read as Define list_1to100 as a list from 1 to 100, but don’t actually generate a list…

  • Wide Gamut Monitor Support on Windows 10

    Wide-gamut monitors are becoming ever more popular, but Microsoft has not made Windows operating system easy to use with wide-gamut monitors and wide-gamut color spaces. sRGB is no longer a given, so this needs to be remedied. Windows Color Management System (WCS) The current Windows Color Management System is miserable. It is completely missing…